Sparrows Class

welcome to summer term in Sparrows class!

Here we are in our final half term together - it’s sure to be packed full of fun, laughter and enriching activities! Please see our Parents Newsletter below for more information.

Below are a selection of pictures of activities we did during Summer 1:

Welcome to Summer Term in Sparrows Class! Please see our updated Summer Term Newsletter for all that is happening in class this term up until May half term.

What a fun term we have had in our Spring journey. We have enjoyed World Book Day, Science week, Lent and our Easter celebrations!

Welcome to Spring Term in Sparrows Class! Please see our updated Spring Term Newsletter for all that is happening in class this term up until Easter.

We have loved our learning this half term. We have loved looking at Season Changes and how each season is different. We have measured rainfall and recorded the weather each week. Our learning about the History of Transport has really inspired lots of children to bring different items in from home. Well done Sparrows!

our Pe sessions

We loved getting started with our new coach from CAM Coaching in Sparrows class!

current topics and information

Here is our weekly plan and yearly long term plan for your information. Please note, we have our PE session on Thursday mornings now with our coach from CAM Coaching!

We loved wearing yellow and getting involved for World Mental Health Day!

National Poetry Day

The theme this year is ‘Find refuge in things that are special to you…’

We read and performed the poem My Treasures.  We then drew a picture to share what our special things were.


Welcome to Sparrows Class where Year 1 are enjoying learning about themselves and the world around them.

Autumn term

Year 1 are settling well and excited for a new year in their new classroom.

Year 1 will have me, Mrs Martin, as their class teacher and Mrs Joyce on a Monday afternoon. Mrs Carter will be working with us one session a morning also.

Our phonics will be through Little Wandle each morning at 8.55am - please ensure your child is on time!

PE will be on a Friday morning.

Please see below for our curriculum plan with all the details of our coverage for the year.

Year 1 Curriculum plan 2023-2024

2022 - 2023 Year 1 class below:

Small Steps Art session

What a fantastic morning we had with local artists Nicki and Nik where we explored all about the art of printing on a large scale. The sun was shining and Year 1 loved their session as part of the Small Steps art project running though school.

summer term!

Welcome back to our summer term in Year 1! We are currently enjoying our topic of Lets Explore. Please see the yearly plan below for more details in individual subjects:

Year 1 Long Term Plan

Baptising a baby

Thank you to Father Hugh for coming into Year 1 to talk to the children about Baptism and explaining the different parts of the service.

Science week 2023 - Year 1 loved designing their own inventions. We had everything from automatic dog driers to robots to clean your bedrooms!

Reading in Year 1…

We love sharing stories in Year 1! Click the link below to discover some fantastic text examples to share at home. Challenge yourself to see how many you can read! Perhaps you could join our local library for free to see if you can find any of the story suggestions given. This reading list has come from and the site is well worth a visit for other great texts.

Year 1 100 books

Spring term

We are enjoying our new topic of Fairy Tales.

Please see our Long Term Plan below for other topics we are covering throughout the year.

Year 1 Long Term Plan

World book day 2023

What a brilliant day we have had celebrating World Book Day! We all enjoyed dressing up and spending a day reading and talking about our favourite stories. We also enjoyed sharing stories with another class this afternoon. Thank you for a super day Year 1!

Children’s Mental Health Week

Year 1 have really enjoyed Children’s Mental Health week by using the Place2Be resources. The theme for this year is Let’s connect where we have been encouraging the children to make healthy, rewarding and meaningful connections. We read the book ‘The Invisible String’ and talked about who we are connected to and how we feel about those people. We also thought about our class connections and how we are all connected to each other.

International Book Giving Day

Year 1 loved taking part in International Book Giving Day! We wrapped a pre-loved book and swapped them with members of our class so we could all take a new book home!

Year 1 and Year 2 Class Mass February 2023 We celebrated a lovely class mass with Father Hugh this week. Year 2 led on the readings and both classes showed excellent participation and reverence throughout.

Children in need 2022!

Year 1 have had a brilliant day dressed in something spotty and decorating biscuits!

Year 1 Remember

On 11th November, Reception, Year 1, 2 and 6 walked down to the memorial garden. When there, we had a two minute silence, said a prayer and remembered all those affected by war.


What a brilliant week we had for International Week! We have loved learning about different countries and traditions. A big thank you to our visitors and people who sent things in from home!

Welcome to Year 1!

I am so excited to start another brilliant year in Year 1!

This half term will be a great opportunity to get to know each other better. We will also be following these topics in our learning:

English: Familiar Settings and family stories. Labels, Lists and Signs: Getting and giving information.

Maths: Place value and addition and subtraction.

RE: God’s Great Plan.

Science: Our bodies and our senses.

Art: Portraits.

Geography: What is the geography of where I live?

Life to the Full: Me, My Body, My Health.

In Year 1 we are very lucky to have Mrs Carter as our teaching assistant in the mornings. Mrs Joyce will also cover on Tuesday mornings and will do PE with the class so don’t forget your PE kit for that day.

Mrs Martin.

Year 1 Parent Information sheet

Below are some pictures of our recent visit from Razwan where we talked about the Five Pillars of Islam and we did our own Islamic style calligraphy.

Below are some of the pictures of the Station of the Cross reflection in the hall. We did Station Five - Simon helps Jesus to carry the cross. We thought Simon showed great kindness towards Jesus and thought of a way to help his friend. We thought about ways we can work together with others to make something better at school. The children really enjoyed spending time in the hall looking at the other Stations of the Cross.