Three Core Purposes
To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
To hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
To organise and make sure money is well spent.
Please click here for a fuller description of - Governor Delegated Responsibilities
Please click here to view the role of a governor.
The constitution of our Governing Body is as follows:
6 Foundation Governors
2 Parent Governors
1 Head Teacher
1 Staff Governor
The term of office for all category of governors (with the exception of Ex-Officio appointments) is four years.
If you are interested in joining the board of Governors, please contact us.
Consistent Financial Reporting
The school’s annual income and expenditure can be viewed on the Department for Education’s Consistent Financial Reporting webpage here
Current Serving Governors
Local Governing Body Terms of Office
Should you wish to contact our Chair of Governors please email:
2022-2023 Statutory Committees
Admissions: Chair
Pupil Discipline: Chair
Staff Dismissal: Chair
Staff Appeal: Chair
Governor Attendance
Full Governing Body Meetings
Governor Meeting Attendance List 2023-2024